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NewGenApps Tech News- The End Of The Smartphone Era Is Coming

NewGenApps Tech News- The End Of The Smartphone Era Is Coming
NewGenApps Tech News- The End Of The Smartphone Era Is Coming
  1. You've heard that Google is working on computerized glasses. They're called Google Glass, and developers can already buy them. It turns out Microsoft is working on something similar. Read The End Of The Smartphone Era Is Coming
  2. A new patent application from Apple spotted by Patently Apple describes a modification to the OS X dock that combines elements of the iBooks shelves it uses in iOS devices with Launchpad to provide quicker access to more apps from a user’s desktop. Read Apple Looking Into 3D App And File Drawer To Extend Mac OS X Dock
  3. Mozilla's engineering manager has requested that developers stop work on Windows 64-bit builds of Firefox. Read Mozilla quietly ceases Firefox 64-bit development
  4. Samsung hast just added the iPhone 5 and iPad mini to its list of accused products (court approval is a mere formality), and wholly-owned Google subsidiary Motorola Mobility wants to do the same. Read Google to Miami court: Apple is withholding iPhone 5, iPad mini source code
NewGenApps Tech News-Amazon floats Windows server 2012 into AWS cloud

1 min read

NewGenApps Tech News-Amazon floats Windows server 2012 into AWS cloud

Amazon Web Services announced today that it will now offer virtual Windows 2012 server instances as part of its Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)...

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NewGenApps Tech News-Intel developing supercomputer smartphone chip

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NewGenApps Tech News-Intel developing supercomputer smartphone chip

The chip giant says its 48-core processor for mobile devices is about five to 10 years away, according to a Computerworld report. Intel developing...

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NewGenApps Tech News- Office Mobile will arrive in early 2013

1 min read

NewGenApps Tech News- Office Mobile will arrive in early 2013

Office Mobile will arrive in early 2013. For more read Exclusive: Microsoft Office for iPhone, iPad, and Android revealed Apple has updated its...

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