Walk In or Walk Out: Importance of Digital Transformation in Business
Digital transformation is a process of modernizing a business in accordance with the current technologies and solutions. It has been one of the...
When we talk about the transformation in the science and technology field along with the change of the time, the most important component that comes to the surface of the mind is the human element. In many stages of the digital transformation be it interactions of the ecosystem, skills, cultural and collaboration human intelligence plays a crucial role. When we talk about the digital transformation we know that it works for a better, faster and innovative way of finding out business as well as social horizons expansion. Digital transformation impacts a huge number of industries and covers a various number of processes, evolutions, factors, and transaction within as well as outside the organization. In this article, we will discuss how digital transformation is being involved in the cultural sector and changing it from a convention industry to much more modern one, all according to changing market trends and challenges, but first, let's just have a look on an understanding of digital transformation.
The basic understanding of digital transformation goes as the transformation of the organization as well as the business in terms of its competence, protocols, and process that creates the opportunity which contains digital technologies as well as formalities. This creates the impact all across the society in a clean planned strategic manner so that the future benefit and the shift of mind can be observed in the business. As a general term people associate digital transformation with the progress of only business or just the financial profit which does not hold true. It’s also very helpful in social as well as the cultural sectors, in-fact many countries are using it to fight with pollution. In other countries like Japan digital transformation has been used to change the small societal behavior of the people which is much more beyond just industrial growth.
As digital transformation has revolutionaries various industries and business companies’ cultural sector is not untouched by the same. As the customer and audience are moving towards more technological platform cultural art and brands have to move to the same. People are searching for suitable places on the web, booking their ticket on the internet and prefer to read online reviews and see a sneak peek of the favorite cultural event before everything.
This change in the habits of the audience is the biggest push behind the digital transformation that includes the cultural sector as well. There is constant pressure to excel in the changing scenario along with more and more adaptation of the digital means has made the challenge mammoth size, yes undoubtedly digital transformation was difficult for art and cultural sector but with the emergence of numerous science and technology-oriented companies in the cultural sector too has made the task quite possible.
Recently world famous cultural organization Nesta along with art and cultural council of England has done a survey and collected the data regarding the applied implication and application of the digital transformation in the cultural sector. The survey shows that more and more companies are being interested in showing up the innovative digital use of the content rather than the conventional methods which were in used till now. Not only the audience but this is preferred by the mediators and in-between small scale third parties who are acting as an in hand accessory support system inside the cultural field. They name such cultural companies as cultural digerati who are using the large database of the large digital audience for business revenues and the perks of digital skill for the smooth operational running across the organization and easy availability all across various geo-locations.
Many cultural organizations do this common mistake and face the challenge of overcrowding the digital reach or the number of the platform they are using. This may lead to the state of confusion and companies miss the chances of proper exposure of one source, management of the content is essential when it comes to the success of the organization along with the digital transformation.
Let us see this through an example of Brooklyn museum which was on many social media resources and blogs. Recently they have cut down the number into the half after realizing what is working with their audience. This includes removing of unnoticed content in their blogging website so they have realized that Tumbler was doing just as required for them. The main objective of engaging the customer should be the prime motto rather than achieving multiple digital channels.
One fact that should not be ignored is that still, people think that companies related to cultural events does not require much help of the digitization and should be kept old and raw to some extent when it comes to the interference of the technology. As per data revealed in the study, it was found that 40% of the organization lacks proper management of the data. And 63% lacking digital skills whereas almost 70% such companies admit that digital transformation is required but only for the business expansion but not for the internal system process and worksheet.
With the great advancement of artificial intelligence and IoT, many industries are progressing with it. But when it comes to cultural world companies are seeing it just as a tool rather than being the facilitation of the work like data and the opportunities in active participation. It should be understood that it is an idea which is much required in today scenario which runs through the organization in the form of Digital needs and requirement which is somewhat required to make the overall impact.
Another aspect is that this digitization is restricted in its aspect of action and reaction, real experience and the digital one should be a combination and complementary to each other rather than more factual rivalry. The company should not consider the digital marketing team or the content management people are the only one who creates the platform but these are the one who cultivates the technological aspect as the result of changing behavior and pattern of audience.
As it has been said many times that people are now indulging in digital art. This has been accepted all over the world and examples related to it can be found. Museums are setting up more elaborate and vigorous digital change in the form of online web auctions. Through this approach of transformation, we can initiate the concept of visitor centre innovation and the changes which can go hand in hand with other cultural activities. Along with this better understanding of the target customer and what is needed to be done for them?
Not only this but many a times cultural foundations like the museums use digital technologies to enhance the experience of the audience. It increases the interest and engagement of the customers for a longer period. Digitization allows a bigger better relevant, strong audience base with foundation, easy billing. An organization like museums, art galleries, cultural heritage, etc are using many technological reforms and digital transformation is one among it, it encourages better leadership, organization structure, business process as well as the investment. All the changes that occur within the organization is related to interaction of core basic system within main categories like assessment which includes planning and discovering then come the knowledge which includes acquiring knowledge next to it is the experience that means exploration of digital platform to increase the creativity and lastly sharing which has browsing of content, opinions through online digital platform.
All these categories are ultimately related to the functioning of the event companies for better footfall and capture the audience's attention toward art through digital transformation. This helps in scaling up the success and targeting them in an appropriate manner. This also enables companies to rearrange their projects as well as channels in a counter result which allows longer involvement of the audience.
To sum it up, it can be said that digital transformation in the field of the cultural sector is not just one segmental work but a journey that is interconnected with the various divisions of the small ecosystem of the organization that works toward the goal of constant optimization.
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