Hard things about hard things - One of the best books I have read

Hard things about hard things - One of the best books I have read

I recently read the book Hard things about hard things by Ben Horowitz, cofounder of Andreesen Horowitz. It is available on Amazom here



It is a must read for entrepreneurs and wannabe entrepreneurs. It is the journey of a true entrepreneur, who did not always have answers (as expected by employees and investors) but stood his ground. More importantly he made a lot of mistakes and a few good decisions, and most importantly build great relationships

We all make mistakes, but we can always learn from them and do better next time. I wish more of his breed wrote more books, but from him I was encouraged that the power of perseverence actually conquers all

To think Ben and Marc are so excited about mobile, iOS development, Iphone development and cloud makes us more confident

Must read in my view. 


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