NewGenApps Blog posts

Apple Said to Have Team Developing Wristwatch Computer

Written by Anurag | Feb 12, 2013 6:30:00 PM
  1. Apple Inc. has a team of about 100 product designers working on a wristwatch-like device that may perform some of the tasks now handled by the iPhone and iPad, two people familiar with the company’s plans said. Read  Apple Said to Have Team Developing Wristwatch Computer
  2. The move towards the open-sourced WebKit engine — Opera is also committing to Chromium — will bring further benefits to Opera users across all platforms. In adopting it, Opera removes the need to continue the development of its own rendering engine, which frees up resources to develop new features and build new products. Read Opera formally adopts WebKit as its Web browsers reach 300 million users
  3. Speaking at Goldman Sachs' Technology and Internet Conference on Tuesday, Apple CEO Tim Cook pointed to the company's "deliberate, thoughtful" mantra as a reason it doesn't typically acquire large companies but admitted it's not opposed to such purchases if the right one comes along. Read Apple buying small companies every other month but constantly evaluating larger acquisitions
  4. Google could generate as much as $5 billion in revenue from selling advertisements on its search engine on tablet devices in 2013, according to a new report by Marin Software, one of the top firms that helps advertisers to buy Web-search ads. Read Google Search Will Generate $5 Billion From Tablets