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The 5 thumb rules for Marketing with Push Messaging

The 5 thumb rules for Marketing with Push Messaging

For those new to mobile marketing, Push notifications are used by apps which are currently closed to convince users to open them. Push Messaging is generated through a notification tool used by mobile apps to create visits, display informative content, and send short messages to users linking back to the app that sent it.


Companies offering strong push messaging results in a high 93% retention rate for users receiving push messaging. This result can be seen in the first month after download.

For a successful push campaign, keep in mind the following 5 key points:

  • Think from user’s perspective

Using Push notification in an optimized way can lead to a much strengthened relationship with your customer. The very moment users opt-in for Push notifications, it symbolizes a sense of trust they have for you. Keeping up with this faith is very important. So, make sure whatever you are sending to the user is worth it!

  • Use Push Notifications cautiously

Think beforehand. If you can predict what content you will be posting in the app over the next month, you will be able to resonate with what the user is looking for now, and then provide him with next useful information in time to follow. This would lead to increase in his interest towards your app.

  • Scheduling in the apt way

Analyze the statistics, the open rates and which messages you would be sending on which dates. This way, you will not disturb the customer by sending and awfully huge amount of messages every other day.

  • Frequency of notifications

Make it a rule to send messages once every week, not before that. Everyone is busy, and customers would definitely not like the idea of receiving the app notifications in the mid of their busy schedule. This could result in them uninstalling the app altogether.

  • Reward and delight your customers

Adding a personal touch to your notifications makes the customers feel very special. Wishing a customer on his birthday, or sending him some fun facts is one such way.

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