How Cirq Can Help In the Development of Quantum Computer
A quantum computer is any gadget for calculation that utilizes particularly quantum mechanical marvels, for example, superposition and snare, to...
In the recent years, cloud adoption has gained momentum by various enterprises. Cloud computing is accelerating each day globally. Even the market forecasts for cloud computing are very bright. Most companies today develop applications and deploy them on servers - whether on-premises or in the cloud.
AWS Lambda has been termed as “server-less” computing and works on events to drive resource allocation and computation. Lambda is event-driven which implies that if your application can be considered as a collection of functions that are triggered by events. These events can be generated from users of the system or from system or certain changes made in the system. Events from users are simple- when a user performs an action, an event is generated. Database triggers are example when events are generated from change in system state. This style allows infinite scaling when coupled with stateless functions. Also, Lambda is stateless and data is not preserved on those instances when the function is running. Therefore, services such as DynamoDB can be used in Lambda application. This bifurcation divides application architecture between state and computation.
AWS Lambda services at Newgenapps
At NewGenApps, we use AWS Lambda to build rule-based self-managing infrastructure and replace inefficient processes to reduce the rate of errors and save valuable time. AWS Lambda is a compute service that runs your code in response to events and automatically manages the underlying compute resources for you.
NewGenApps manages custom logic or run code for virtually any type of application or backend service including a variety of real-time data processing systems or backends to handle web, mobile, Internet of Things (IoT), and 3rd party API requests.
Connect with us and we can showcase some of our work on AWS Lambda.
A quantum computer is any gadget for calculation that utilizes particularly quantum mechanical marvels, for example, superposition and snare, to...
The ‘Apple Special Event’ is all set to start on September 12, 10 am PDT and this time it will be hosted as the first ever event at the Steve Jobs...