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Are we ready for robots?

Are we ready for robots?

Robots and humans

A huge change has appeared in the technological assessment in terms of robotics and artificial intelligence; the biggest questions in this era arise after countries trying every possible weapon against each other which could be robots. Factor is much of a trust and security concerns rather than technological belief. From medical surgeries to cleaning homes introduction of robotics is slowly replacing our own perceptions and intelligence. More introduction of personalized robots into our lives from our kitchen to the restaurant and laboratory to living room shows the advancement of social activities of robots, so in such a scenario of encroachment in our lives, the question arises that are humans ready for the social interaction of robots.

So the science and the functioning of artificial intelligence or machine learning are pretty much different from the one shown in the science fiction you recently watched. It requires years of research to develop complex social behavior like humans, physical analogies and language. And worst of all most of them have quite limited abilities. But according to a famous economist in the upcoming era, a new generation of robots will develop who will exactly mimic human intelligence and will be a duplicate copy of human brains.

But another face of the coin is that many jobs have been on the stack since the introduction of robots in the daily routine activities. According to the world economic forum, the percentage of the job that will be jeopardized due to robotics will shoot up to 20-40% in the year 2022. They will hamper the industrial production, manufacturing and processing units of raw materials the most. In fact today also every sector is slowly shifting to services of machine learning and artificial intelligence. Everything will be replaced by them there will robotic doctor, robotic journalist, and robotic chef. This may sound astonishing and exciting but it will hit hard in the human experts and ultimately the economy of the country which will cause inflation and mass poverty. So this may be linked to some serious issues related to economic and social well being of humans who are making it difficult for one segment of the society especially to accept the deeper penetration of robots in our lives.

A new generation of robots is being worked upon that can match up to your cognitive powers and solve your tedious relationship issues. This will also lead to more introduction of robotics in the field of our basic needs.

Why they cannot replace humans

So we all know that robots are not going anywhere as they are considered one of the greatest inventions in human history. It’s the matter of efforts one race puts for evolving another who exactly behaves like the previous one. So one thing is confirmed that in upcoming years we will see a lot of them around us. Robots are getting involved in our lives but getting constant changes in their technology and application. But few points will remain on the court of humans that will clearly put an upper hand of humans on a machine no matter how advanced they become.

1. Human limbs

Though the physical appearance of robots has changed a lot stills scientist are unable to replicate human arms in robots. The use of hands in most of the robot is clumsy and lacks the complex control and coordination of the smallest of the finger. One of the most sophisticated hands that were developed in the finest lab lacks that element of robustness and dexterity in them.

2. Thought and perception

It's true that no matter how much science will evolve they will never be able to replicate the human skin that has nano dimensions and nerve cells for the transmission of the signals. This tactic sensation is the crucial weapon for the complex manipulation of the information. So robots are nowhere near to processing of these signals to give an appropriate response and reaction through these tactile sensations.

3. Manipulations

Let's say we get to develop a robot which will have a tactile sensation and hands like humans but it will not be able to manipulate the sensory information it gets and manipulate the subject further. Human learned this task in due course of time and mechanism of it is not completely understood.

4. Interaction between robots and humans

The interaction between both of them is done under a controlled or determined object recognition and speech functioning. While scientists are focusing more and more on the advancement of object verification not much is done for tactile, smell and other sensations we humans have.

5. Reasoning

One of the most basic and fundamental qualities of humans is logic and reasoning. No matter how much perfectly we design the robots they cannot replace our intelligence.

They are a part of our lives though

Remember the robotic program smooth that started a few years ago which takes care of elderly people and by 2020 they will be able to operate them. No doubt robots will do our work in a better way and solve out day to day repetitive tasks involving humans like laundry, food, medicine, etc. but humans are reasoning against these robots as they could be a potential security threat to humans themselves. However, the production of robots has increased in recent years where they are becoming more open trait and potential business opportunity.

To make robots better accepted in society and by different age groups scientist are trying hard to make simpler versions of robots who can interact in our social space and perform the task perfectly. This is making them a commercially viable product in the market which are people loving and hating too.

Even in the future robots will continue to grow and will be seen in many advanced form and purposes. They will perform complex algorithm more than mere vacuum cleaners. They will come in a complex structure, do dynamic decision making and most importantly how they will interact with humans. In coming decade surely robots will not replace human race, no matter how scientists try but robots can never replace humans in terms of manpower they will always remain sophisticated machines.

Should we be worried?

The automation industry is displacing jobs no doubt in it. Technology is updating in such a manner that requirement of data scientist, programmers and coders have reduced to the favorable amount. Similar will happen in the healthcare and financial sectors too. Humans are continuously developing technologies that are taking over their own work and intelligence. Just as AI transformed many traditional industries like agriculture and raw material it will do the same to many other modern sectors too. In a recent survey, it was found that employment in the agricultural sector has gone down to 2% from 40% alone in the United States since the year 1990.

The transition would have been difficult in the early 90s where thousands of workers were left without jobs and forced to have other skill training to earn food. But on the other hand, this also can't be denied that artificial intelligence and machine learning have developed so many new jobs in the markets like an application developer, analyst, and media analyst. All have been created due to immense modernization of multiple industries resulting in the creation of jobs which were not even present 50 years ago.

We must understand that humans developed technology, so there is no need to be in competition with each other. Humans are better in few things and machines are better in some. They have to work in harmony for better end results and maximum productivity. The machine can do things that require physical strength, pattern founding, and the mathematical calculation in a better way on the other hand humans can do tasks involving creativity and thinking. The collaboration of AI system with finest quality of human intelligence can bring balance to applications of work and life.

For example, MIT researcher has collaborated with a team of doctors to develop a robot which can detect breast cancer, this will ultimately help us. It was found that the accuracy of the detection was up to 98% and it ends up saving many lives also reducing the error in surgeries. Such systems are not made to replace doctors but assist them in few of the scope and limitation so that a specialist can have more time with the patients and understanding other essential matters.

Such technological advancement is forcing people to think about the coming future, what will be the skills required, what high skills tasks we need to learn to be with these robots, how they will influence our daily activities and most importantly what are the measures required to prepare our society for the robots? People may argue about job displacement but we can't deny that they do take off our burden so that we can have free time for cognitive creative skills development.

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