1 min read
NewGenApps Tech News- Amazon mocks Apple, Windows 8, Nexus 7
Anurag : Sep 27, 2017 11:34:00 PM

- It has only been a few days since Apple announced its new iPad mini tablet device and Amazon has decided to put a damper on the iPad mini's introduction to the world. For more read Amazon goes on the offensive. Mocks Apple and compares Kindle Fire HD to iPad Mini on its homepage.
- With Windows 8, Steven Sinofsky said that Microsoft and its PC-making partners have found a way to deliver modern computing at a price far less than that fruit-named competitor. For full story read Steven Sinofsky on How Windows 8 PCs Deliver Better Value Than Apple
- After launching windows 8 and surface tablet, what next Microsoft will do? To know read Now That Windows 8 And The Surface Tablet Have Launched, Microsoft Turns Its Focus To Developers
- The beefier version of Google's Nexus 7 tablet has apparently gone from rumor to reality, as one blogger reports that his local Office Depot has one for sale. 32GB Nexus 7 tablet spied at Office Depot for $250
NewGenApps Tech News- Google New Search Result Design Without Sidebar
Anurag : Nov 7, 2012 6:30:00 PM
1 min read
NewGenApps Tech News-Intel developing supercomputer smartphone chip
Anurag : Apr 18, 2020 4:29:59 PM
The chip giant says its 48-core processor for mobile devices is about five to 10 years away, according to a Computerworld report. Intel developing...