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NewGenApps Tech News: Google gonna launch Apple AirPlay alternative
Anurag : Nov 19, 2012 3:30:00 PM
- YouTube recently launched AirPlay-like video beaming for Google TV and Android devices, but Google plans to take the technology much further. The company is working on an alternative to AirPlay, which it wants to bring to third-party devices and services – a clear shot at Apple. Read Google gonna launch Apple AirPlay alternative
- Yahoo Inc shares reached their highest level in a year and a half, as investor confidence grows that new Chief Executive Marissa Mayer can pull off a comeback that eluded three of her predecessors. Read Yahoo shares reach 18-month high as investors warm to new CEO
- Facebook has figured out how to enable background auto-uploads and is now testing Photo Sync with a few iOS users. For more read Facebook Starts Letting iOS Users Auto-Upload All Their Snapshots With Photo Sync
- One of the areas where Google has attracted antitrust attention is "vertical" search. There are good reasons why it shouldn't be hindered from offering this. Full story covered in Why Google 'vertical' search shouldn't face antitrust action
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NewGenApps Tech News-Google drive provides mobile spreadsheet editing
Anurag : Nov 29, 2012 7:51:00 PM