4 min read
Why Customized Software Solutions are the Best Choice for Organizations
Hazel Pan : Aug 29, 2020 12:50:00 AM
Every business, no matter how big or small, uses at least one software every day. Some of it is free and can handle simple processes, while the expensive type can usually handle more complex tasks. However, if a business wants to get the most out of the software, they need to have a customized software solution.
Developing a customized software solution means creating software that meets a specific company’s needs and requirements. There are many benefits to a customized app and many reasons why your organization needs it.
Customized Software Solutions are Tailor-made

The needs of every business are very specific, and that is one of the main reasons why a customized software solution is always a better option than an off-the-shelf solution. When you understand the problem your organization aims to solve, it’s easier to create a solution your clients can get the most use out of.
Even software that’s inherently very simple but is tailor-made to address the needs and problems of the organization is much more valuable than an overly-complicated app. Even if it has greater functionalities, if you can’t find a use for them in your business, they’re pointless.
Customized Software Solutions are Safe & Secure

One issue you need to think about when using an off-the-shelf solution is the security risk that comes with it. You can never be sure if hackers can break into the system and steal personal data, which would be a big problem for your company and your customers.
The main reason hacking occurs in these types of solutions is because hackers get a hold of the code of a program and then steal valuable information. Customized software solutions and apps are much harder to hack into because it takes more time and effort, so they’re much safer from external threats.
The main reason they are more secure is that, as they were created specifically for one company, only the individuals who work in it can have access to it. Aside from this, you can also have additional security standards, all of which will guarantee the software’s safety.
Increased Productivity with Customized Software Solutions

Productivity is of great importance to every business but surprisingly, only 60% or less of workday hours are spent on productive work. There are many things that can decrease your employee’s productivity, such as time-consuming manual procedures that can easily be replaced with customized tools.
By introducing a customized software solution that can fulfill all of the requirements your employees need to work efficiently, productivity will skyrocket. For instance, if you turn vast amounts of data into information, you may want to build a customized solution with the help of an Excel developer. Not only will this improve efficiency, but it will also reduce your overhead costs.
Don’t forget that an efficient company is filled with employees who work smarter, not harder, and that can be achieved with good customized software.
Customized Software Solutions Offer Easy Scalability

As your business grows with time, what you need from your apps will change. An off-the-shelf tool might seem like a good fit for your company at first, but when your business starts to grow, that same app won’t grow with it and will become obsolete.
Even if you don’t have that problem, keep in mind that this software can become too expensive to license, and most of the time, they aren’t good investments. Generally, small companies that are still in their early stages can get the most out of this type of tool while they still don’t have stable operations.
If you’re debating between off-the-shelf and customized apps while your business is experiencing steady growth, there really shouldn’t be any kind of debate. A solution that is designed to grow at your own pace and doesn’t limit you in any way is definitely the better choice.
Even though it will be more expensive and time-consuming to create customized software than to just purchase one, when the time comes to scale your business, it will be a smarter investment.
Customized Software Solution Fosters Better data Training

The saying “Data is king” is very well-known by anyone who has ever worked with artificial intelligence, and for a good reason.
The quality and nature of your app will be directly influenced by the kind of data it has been trained on. What your software knows will directly influence its ability to predict.
An issue with data that is used in off-the-shelf solutions is that it’s very generic, as it’s available in the public domain. When a tool is trained on generic data, the results won’t fit the specific needs of an organization.
On the other hand, AI-based developers who make customized tools create algorithms that are trained to understand the client’s feedback-related data.
Excellent vendor support
The integration process of any new solution in a company needs to be as smooth as possible, and one way to guarantee the integration will be a success is by having great vendor support.
With custom software, the vendor always aims to provide the best customer support possible. As they’re creating the solution to fit their client’s needs, the vendor will ensure seamless integration with a dedicated team of experts.
Clients won’t have any issues because if a problem arises, their vendor will be there with a readily available app.
While the solution is being developed, which can be a time period from one to nine months, your business will have access to a support team every step of the way.
Complete Independence from the Solution’s Developer

When you purchase an off-the-shelf app, you will be dependent on its developer for as long as you continue to use the software. You’re dependent on the developer’s condition of use for the solution, the pricing, and the future of the developer’s business.
This kind of dependence can cause issues down the line. For instance, if the company that developed your app goes bankrupt or simply stops updating the solution, you will find yourself in a very difficult position and have to find a new developer in a very short period of time.
You won’t have to worry about those issues with customized solutions, as you’re completely independent of their developer and can use them for as long as you want and the way you want to. Some maintenance costs are required occasionally, but the benefits you will receive are certainly worth it.
Final Thoughts
In today’s competitive market, no business can survive without at least one good software solution. If you want to see your business grow and reach its full potential, you need to have a customized app.
No matter what problem your organization aims to solve, a good developer can come up with the perfect tool. As long as they understand your needs and requirements, you’ll end up with a customized solution that will be much better than any off-the-shelf software you used before.
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